Represented by Galerie Stek (Torhout, BE), visual artist Bart Gielen and I will be participating @ the 'Stemvorkfestival'. This is an exclusive music festival of some alternative a capellabands who have some very unique and lovely voices with a broad range of different timbres!

The date of the festival is the 28th of September. It starts just at 5 P.M. The location of this festival is Bruggesteenweg 200, 8830 Hooglede (BE) 

For specific mention of Galerie Stek and the artworks check the link below! If you scroll down to other pages you can also find out more about the music this festival brings and if it appeals to you, you can order some online tickets as wel!

Our artistic team hopes to see and welcome you on this great and unique night / happening!!! Cheerz to that!!! :D